ICT outsourcing has evolved considerably over the last 20 years. From immature service management processes, the focus has now shifted towards a more virtualised and geographically defined service with a more coordinated organisational retained function, to manage multiple ICT providers. In order to deliver consistent and quality IT service in today’s globalised multi vendor outsourcing environment, Service & Network Management Integration is critical.

IT Service Management has evolved into a newer concept of independent Network Service Integrator, which has gained popularity within this new generation of ICT Outsourcing deals. The large global organisations have demonstrated interest in the NSI concept as an independent entity as opposed to being part of an outsource package. This emerging model of NSI interfaces between the client organisation and the relevant telecoms and network providers.

Network Service Integrator (NSI) is defined as the co-ordination of people, processes, tools and technology across multiple third party providers, both internal and external, to manage the delivery of end to end business and IT services to end-user. Having a Network Service Integrator boasts several benefits for organisations as they look to adapt themselves with the latest technology and implement emerging concepts in ICT. One of the key benefits of NSI is that it reduces complexity by allowing organisations to manage various regional and local telecom vendors within a single standardised framework. Similarly, with the help of NSI, having standardised, modularised and lean multi supplier governance and management structures, the opportunity exists for costs to be reduced to measurable extent benefitting both, the organisation and the suppliers. There are more benefits to NSI as well like clearer accountancy, local billing, greater transparency, much improved risk management and business relationship management.

The Network Service Integrator model is an emerging outsourcing concept supported by both independent NSI’s and global telcos in the market. There needs to be careful consideration by organisations when deciding to implement the NSI model to be able to achieve the planned business benefits.